About Me

You may be perplexed at the very existence of this website. Perhaps you might be even telling yourself that this is all useless, and without meaning. Who am i? I have no name really, i've always liked to consider myself as an idea or a symbol rather than a fixed identity. I have many interests, such as Programming (In C, and sometimes C++) and Music Production.

I have been immensely disillusioned in humanity as a whole, people aren't willing to find their own reason, they'd rather lock themselves into echo chambers of hate, even if one is supposedly in the "right" they nullify that by spreading hate, whoever they might be. This website serves as my own sanctum, a way to store my thoughts into digital form, the possibilities are endless.

One thing that this website WON'T most likely provide is political views, or anything related to politics..I'm of the opinion that it only causes further divide among fellow netizens and despite everything, despite the fact that is MY website, i still don't want to talk about such arguments.

For too long i have seen people parade themselves as so called believers of free speech, as shining beacons of creativity, to then spread hateful rhetoric. To the people who fit these criteria I ask the following thing: How can you ask for free speech if you don't want harmony among your fellow human beings? Speech stops being free the exact instant it is used to harm or to control your own herd. Embrace love.

There's no guarantee that i'll see your E-Mail as I barely check my E-Mail provider, but in case I do i'll be glad to have a conversation with you!
