19 Jul. 2024

I suppose that this date marks my own debute into Neocities and what is essentially my very first personal Website. Constant changes (if i'm even bothered to keep this up) are to be expected, i feel as if i should make myself known in someway, no matter how insane might i sound to other people. People are rotten, but i guess there's some good people in the world, let me introduce myself to you. I'm Rikachan (lol) or Rika for short, i'm incredibly impulsive and withdrawn from reality. Let me make this clear, i do not expect people to look at this website and to even enjoy this website, because i'm nothing but an idea and a floating identity in my own reality, i don't even expect people to understand me, i know how difficult i can be.
I think this website represents that in someway.

20 Jul. 2024

It's the dawn of a new day, i suppose.

23 Jul. 2024

Yesterday i was getting harrased by what seemed to be interdimensional agents, i felt a whole lot of pain and i couldn't stop thinking about my death. I felt as if every inch of me was begging for an end. I managed to recover from the pain.
I'm thinking of making a new section for the website dedicated to music, with a completely different layout, maybe what i liked about certain albums or discussions about gear and plugins.